Bugs affecting

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Éric St-Jean's teams

“awstools development team” team
“Big Data Charmers” team
“Canonical Charmers Lead” team
“Canonical content creators” team
“Canonical Engineering Lead” team
“Canonical Livepatch Dependencies Team” team
“Canonical Public Cloud” team
“Canonical Salesforce User Community” team
“Canonical Security Web” team
“Cisco VPP” team
“Citrix Client” team
“Cloud Deck Team” team
“Cloud Image Release Managers” team
“Cloud Support” team
“cpc-pmteam” team
“cri-o-snap-squad” team
“Fake Juju team” team
“Google SDK Development Team” team
“Greater Cloud Image Team” team
“haproxy-team” team
“insights.u.c authors” team
“Juju Engineering” team
“Juju-Jitsu Hackers” team
“Landscape Blog Editors” team
“Landscape Bugs” team
“Landscape Charmers” team
“Landscape Development Tools Team” team
“Landscape Project Lead” team
“Landscape” team
“landscape-documentation” team
“latch-hackers” team
“Launchpad Beta Testers” team
“Launchpad Live Filesystem Builders” team
“Launchpad OCI Builders” team
“maintainers of maas images” team
“memcached team” team
“MySQL Charm Maintainers” team
“.NET @ Canonical” team
“.NET Bootstrap Archives” team
“Plum grid team” team
“prometheus-snap-developers” team
“Storm Developers” team
“Temporal CPC” team
“The Cpc-bigstep team” team
“The Cpc-cloudsigma team” team
“The Cpc-dimension-data team” team
“The Cpc-fujitsu team” team
“The Cpc-interoute team” team
“The Cpc-1-net team” team
“The Cpc-rax team” team
“The Cpc-softlayer team” team
“The Cpc-t-systems team” team
“The FIPS-CC-STIG” team
“The Grover team” team
“The Maza team” team
“The Tpp-hyperv team” team
“txStatsD Developers” team
“Ubuntu App Developer site editors” team
“Ubuntu Cloud Images” team
“Ubuntu Docker Images” team
“Ubuntu on EC2” team
“Ubuntu on Windows Azure” team
“Ubuntu Openstack Installer” team
“Ubuntu Public Cloud Leader” team
“Ubuntu Public Cloud” team
“Ubuntu Repository Cache Maintainers” team
“Ubuntu Server ec2 Testing Developers” team
“Vagrant Cloud Images” team
“VEXXHOST, Inc.” team
“WSL Engineering Team” team