Comment 0 for bug 947051

Revision history for this message
Sorin Marian Nasoi (sorin.marian.nasoi) wrote :

The following HOF tests in misc/HigherOrderFunctions.xml from FOTS result in a Segmentation Fault:
- "xqhof7"
xquery version '3.0';
declare namespace o = '';
declare option o:enable 'hof';
concat#3("one", "two")

- "xqhof13"
xquery version '3.0';
declare namespace o = '';
declare option o:enable 'hof';
let $f := function($a) { node-name(.), $a }
return <a/>/$f(5)

- "xqhof14"
xquery version '3.0';
declare namespace o = '';
declare option o:enable 'hof';
let $f := name#0
return <a/>/$f()

the importance is set to HIGH because Zorba Seg. Faults.