Comment 0 for bug 1072644

Revision history for this message
David Graf (davidagraf) wrote :


 declare %an:sequential function local:image(
   $id as xs:string, $width as xs:int*,
   $height as xs:int*, $ratio as xs:decimal*, $format as xs:string) as xs:base64Binary
   variable $obj := null;

   if (fn:empty($obj)) then
     variable $svg := $obj("svg");
     if (fn:not(jn:is-null($obj("size")("width")))) then
       variable $svg-width := $obj("size")("width");
       variable $svg-height := $obj("size")("height");

       if ($width) then
         $svg-height := xs:int(($svg-height div $svg-width) * $width);
         $svg-width := $width;
       else if ($height) then
         $svg-width := xs:int(($svg-width div $svg-height) * $height);
         $svg-height := $height;
       else if ($ratio) then
         $svg-width := xs:int($svg-width * $ratio);
         $svg-height := xs:int($svg-height * $ratio);

       $svg := <a>{$svg}</a>/*;

       replace value of node $svg/@width width xs:string($svg-width) || "px";
       replace value of node $svg/@height width xs:string($svg-height) || "px";

Error Msg:
</Users/dagraf/work/28msec/zorba/build/test.xq>:7,22: static error [err:XPST0003]: invalid expression: syntax error, unexpected ExprSingle (missing comma "," between expressions?); raised at /Users/dagraf/work/28msec/zorba/sandbox/src/compiler/api/compiler_api.cpp:197

Actual Problem:
replace expressions contain a typo: s/width/with