Comment 0 for bug 1064978

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Sorin Marian Nasoi (sorin.marian.nasoi) wrote :

I would need the following signature added to XQXQ:

declare %an:sequential function xqxq:bind-variable(
  $query-key as xs:anyURI,
  $var as xs:QName,
  $value as xs:string*) as empty-sequence() external ;

such that the XQXQ can cast to the correct type internally.

details about the issues I have:
- one creates a XQUERY (please see below) that raises an error because of the external variable binding:
xqxq:bind-variable( $queryID, xs:QName("ext"), "5");
should be
xqxq:bind-variable( $queryID, xs:QName("ext"), xs:integer(5));


import module namespace xqxq = '';
variable $queryID := xqxq:prepare-main-module('xquery version ''3.0'';

declare namespace o = '''';declare option o:enable ''hof'';

declare variable $ext as xs:integer external := 0; <a>{$ext}</a>');
xqxq:bind-variable( $queryID, xs:QName("ext"), "5");