Comment 5 for bug 142667

Revision history for this message
Vahur Rebas (berlingo666) wrote :

Is this issue getting anywhere? status still pending... or is it already fixed in some version?
Keep getting this error.
Product is python-class based with lots of ZPT-s
Using Zope 2.7.0 release.

Traceback (innermost last):

    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 104, in publish
    * Module Zope.App.startup, line 221, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 233, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 348, in _commit_objects
    * Module ZODB.Connection, line 425, in commit
      __traceback_info__: (('BTrees.OOBTree', 'OOBTree'), '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8f', '')

ValueError: Cache values may only be in one cache.

Traceback (innermost last):

    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 104, in publish
    * Module Zope.App.startup, line 221, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 233, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 348, in _commit_objects
    * Module ZODB.Connection, line 425, in commit
      __traceback_info__: (('Products.Transience.Transience', 'Increaser'), '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0b', '')

ValueError: Cache values may only be in one cache.

these 2 differ the most from others.. and I think I have got this error using automatic and manual refreshing