
Comment 4 for bug 782692

Revision history for this message
dotancohen (dotancohen) wrote :

> OK, let's be more precise. If the notebook is not yet open it is opened and
> appears. However it is running somewhere in the background it is not popped
> to the front.

Not quite.

0) The Quick Note dialogue is set to save in notebook Foo, page Bar. Zim is configured to use the system tray plugin. Zim is not running in the background.
1) Open Zim from the DE main menu, Open notebook SomeNotebook (where SomeNotebook != Foo).
2) Click the X button in the window chrome to close the SomeNotebook notebook.
3) Right click the system tray icon, select Quick Note.
4) Enter a note. Be sure the "open new page" checkbox is unchecked.
5) Click OK.

What happens:
The notebook Foo opens.

What the user expects to happen:
The user expects that nothing will open, because the "open new page" checkbox is unchecked.