
Comment 17 for bug 706366

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Tim (cyboreal) wrote : Re: [Bug 706366] Re: Feature Request: Basic Zim editor for Android

> Well, the first step is taken. I registered a project "ZimDroid" at Launchpad:
> https://launchpad.net/zimdroid

Frank, this is great news! I look forward to helping in whatever way I can.

At the risk of overloading Zimdroid with feature requests at the outset,
let me point out the obvious: Zim excels at facilitating the management
of information and this information is frequently of a sensitive nature
(e.g. business intelligence, trade secrets, IP, network of contacts,
etc.). To that end, it would be tremendous if Zimdroid could make use of
encrypted wiki data. Specifically, it would be very helpful if Zimdroid
could be designed to be aware of wikis that are encrypted using the
EncFS encryption library (see Cryptonite, for example:
http://code.google.com/p/cryptonite/). In this way, Zimdroid could
natively use Zim wikis that are encrypted using EncFS and synchronized,
whether by using revision control or Dropbox:

User input
Zim / Zimdroid
unencrypted files
EncFS decryption layer
encrypted files
synchronization service (e.g. Dropbox, Git, Hg, etc.)

This may be for later on down the line, but would turn Zimdroid into an
immensely powerful, one-of-a-kind, secure, mobile information management