
Comment 1 for bug 617933

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aftermath (solaricus) wrote :

I apologize for adding onto this before my original comment was reviewed, but further testing has confirmed my that multiple behaviors are conspiring together to deliver an inconsistent and unpleasant workflow.

Basically, I attempted a manual "work around" of the bug described above. My "work around" was simply to convert the relative links of a sample notebook into hard-coded absolute links. The renaming of the parent was successful in the sense that the links of the children did update to the correct locations and didn't leave behind any references to the prior hierarchy. However, after the links were correctly updated they were then automatically collapsed down to relative links again. Thus, if I wanted to change the name of the parent again, I was back in the exact same position as I was before I my manual "work around".

I agree that the automatic collapsing of links down to their relative form IS the most desirable behavior. However, if this is going to be the default behavior then the issue which is the source of this bug report must be fixed. Otherwise, it's not only undesirable but also exacerbated by the behaviors of other commands.