
Comment 27 for bug 380844

Revision history for this message
Oliver Joos (oliver-joos) wrote :

> I wrote context-insensitive, not case-insensitive.

Sorry, my fault! You're completely right.

> Or do you know any application that seeks through the target
> addresses of the links?

I just checked Moin (my previous wiki), and it does exactly that. When I have an idea how Zim could do that, I'll open a feature request.

> When syntax is context sensitive it doesn't mean it is stupid or
> bad designed.

No! Just more complex to parse. Wiki syntax is always a compromise between easy to write/read and non-ambiguous.

> You're right. We should use different syntax for inline anchors if
> we decide to implement them.

I re-checked all my texts in Zim and Moin (with grep ;-). Perhaps #anchor# would still be a nice variant, but without white-space or newlines between. This would be easy to write/read, and seems very uncommon in normal texts or even source code. An inline anchor definition would then be:
  [asciichar<=32] '#' [asciichars>32] '#' [asciichar<=32]
(I know, Zim is utf8 - with ascii it's just simpler here)