
Comment 6 for bug 298050

Revision history for this message
dotancohen (dotancohen) wrote :

> Seems to me that there are many standard interface elements
> that do not support single click -- e.g. open/save file dialogs -- so
> what is different about this dialog?

My Open/Save dialogs are single click!

> If there is a common solution for such interface elements, can
> we apply the same solution for this dialog?

I don't have the technical knowledge of that, sorry!

> I do not like the idea of have a second dialog to edit the list, this
> makes usability worse. For discussion of the "default notebook"
> option see bug #344988 .

I do not think that it makes usability worse as the actions on the Open Notebook dialog fall into two categories:
1) Opening a Notebook
2) Changing configuration (editing, adding, deleted, changing default)

Which of those two is the more common action? The dialog should be easiest for the more common action, which in my opinion is the opening of notebooks.

> For accessibility keep in mind that you can select the notebook
> and then click 'OK', or use the keyboard to open a notebook. So
> the interface can be used without relying on double click.

That is what I am doing. It feels redundant. No other applications that I use require me to confirm my actions when I do standard actions (such as opening a notebook). I do realize that this was not designed as a confirmation step, but in practice that is what it feels like. Let me click the notebook and be done with it.