
Comment 1 for bug 1536616

Revision history for this message
Iank (iank998) wrote :

output from zim -D (running on slacko6.3 linux)

# zim -D
INFO: This is zim 0.65
DEBUG: Python version is sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=5, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
DEBUG: Platform is posix
DEBUG: Zim revision is:
  branch: zim-trunk
  revision: 805 <email address hidden>
  date: 2015-11-01 15:42:45 +0100
DEBUG: Not running from a source dir
DEBUG: Set XDG_DATA_HOME to /root/.local/share
DEBUG: Set XDG_DATA_DIRS to [<Dir: /usr/share>, <Dir: /usr/local/share>]
DEBUG: Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to /root/.config
DEBUG: Set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to [<Dir: /etc/xdg>]
DEBUG: Set XDG_CACHE_HOME to /root/.cache
DEBUG: Loading config from: <zim.notebook.VirtualFile object at 0xb69560ec>
DEBUG: Loading config from: /root/Notes/notebook.zim
DEBUG: Wrote /root/.config/zim/notebooks.list
INFO: Using default notebook: file:///root/Notes
DEBUG: Wrote /root/Notes/.zim/tmp
INFO: Remove file: /root/Notes/.zim/tmp
DEBUG: Loading config from: /root/Notes/notebook.zim
DEBUG: Cache dir: /root/.cache/zim/notebook-root_Notes
DEBUG: Index database file: /root/.cache/zim/notebook-root_Notes/index.db
DEBUG: Remote call from 19034: <RemoteMethodCall: 19034: zim.ipc.Server(None).ping((), {})>
DEBUG: Starting server by spawning new process
INFO: Spawning: ['/usr/bin/zim', '--ipc-server-main', '/tmp/zim-root/zim-server-socket', '10'] (cwd: None)
DEBUG: Process started with PID: 19036
DEBUG: Remote call from 19034: <RemoteMethodCall: 19034: zim.ipc.Server(None).ping((), {})>
INFO: Server starting 19036 at /tmp/zim-root/zim-server-socket
DEBUG: Remote call from 19034: <RemoteMethodCall: 19034: zim.ipc.Server(None).ping((), {})>
DEBUG: Remote call returned to 19034: ('ACK', 19036)
DEBUG: Remote call from 19034: <RemoteMethodCall: 19034: zim.ipc.Server(None).has_object((<RemoteObject: zim.gui.GtkInterface(file:///root/Notes)>,), {})>
DEBUG: Remote call returned to 19034: False
DEBUG: Remote call from 19034: <RemoteMethodCall: 19034: zim.ipc.Server(None).init_object((<RemoteObject: zim.gui.GtkInterface(file:///root/Notes)>,), {})>
DEBUG: Wrote <UnixFile: /root/Notes/.zim/tmp>
INFO: Remove file: <UnixFile: /root/Notes/.zim/tmp>
DEBUG: Loading config from: <UnixFile: /root/Notes/notebook.zim>
DEBUG: Cache dir: <Dir: /root/.cache/zim/notebook-root_Notes>
DEBUG: Index database file: <UnixFile: /root/.cache/zim/notebook-root_Notes/index.db>
DEBUG: Opening notebook: <zim.notebook.Notebook object at 0xb660c64c>
DEBUG: Loading config from: <ConfigFile: /root/.config/zim/preferences.conf>
DEBUG: Loading plugin: calendar
DEBUG: Loading plugin: diagrameditor
DEBUG: Loading plugin: gnuplot_ploteditor
DEBUG: Loading plugin: insertsymbol
DEBUG: Loading plugin: linkmap
DEBUG: Loading plugin: printtobrowser
DEBUG: Loading plugin: sourceview
DEBUG: Loading plugin: tableeditor
DEBUG: Registered object table
DEBUG: Loading plugin: trayicon
DEBUG: Trayicon using class: DaemonMainWindowExtension
DEBUG: Gtk version is (2, 24, 20)
DEBUG: Pygtk version is (2, 24, 0)
WARNING: Could not find all icon sizes for the application icon
DEBUG: Loading config from: <ConfigFile: /root/.config/zim/style.conf>
DEBUG: Loading config from: <UnixFile: /root/.cache/zim/notebook-root_Notes/state.conf>
DEBUG: Child process started 19038 for <RemoteObject: zim.gui.GtkInterface(file:///root/Notes)>
INFO: Starting async index update
DEBUG: Remote call returned to 19034: True
DEBUG: Remote call from 19034: <RemoteMethodCall: 19034: zim.gui.GtkInterface(file:///root/Notes).present((), {'geometry': None, 'fullscreen': None, 'page': None})>
DEBUG: Registered plugin <zim.plugins.base.imagegenerator.DiagramMainWindowExtension object at 0xa1358ac> for image type "diagram"
DEBUG: Registered plugin <zim.plugins.base.imagegenerator.GnuplotMainWindowExtension object at 0xa135aec> for image type "gnuplot"
DEBUG: Registered object code
DEBUG: Remote call from 19038: <RemoteMethodCall: 19038: zim.ipc.Server(None).has_object((<RemoteObject: zim.plugins.trayicon.DaemonTrayIcon(None)>,), {})>
DEBUG: Remote call returned to 19038: False
DEBUG: Remote call from 19038: <RemoteMethodCall: 19038: zim.ipc.Server(None).init_object((<RemoteObject: zim.plugins.trayicon.DaemonTrayIcon(None)>,), {})>
DEBUG: Child process started 19041 for <RemoteObject: zim.plugins.trayicon.DaemonTrayIcon(None)>
DEBUG: Remote call returned to 19038: True
DEBUG: Action: toggle_toolbar
DEBUG: Action: toggle_statusbar
DEBUG: Action: set_pathbar_recent
DEBUG: Accelmap: /root/.config/zim/accelmap
INFO: Open page: <FileStorePage: PersonalNotes:NEHitechCompanies> (<HistoryPath: PersonalNotes:NEHitechCompanies>)
DEBUG: Remote call returned to 19034: None
 At this point zim has send the command to open a notebook to a
 background process and the current process will now quit.
 If this is the end of your debug output it is probably not useful
 for bug reports. Please close all zim windows, quit the
 zim trayicon (if any), and try again.