
Comment 6 for bug 1302730

Revision history for this message
Rolf Kleef (rolf-drostan) wrote :

The version control plugin for git checks for changes by comparing the output of 'git status' with a hard-coded English string. In /usr/share/pyshared/zim/plugins/versioncontrol/git.py:

 def is_modified(self):
  """Returns true if the repo is not up-to-date, or False
  @returns: True if the repo is not up-to-date, or False
  # If status return an empty answer, this means the local repo is up-to-date
  return not (''.join( self.status() ).find( 'nothing to commit' ) > -1)

So in German it'll always report the repository is not up to date, and try to do a commit. 'git commit -m "Autoversion"' will return error code 1 ("nothing to commit, working directory clean")

'git status --porcelain' returns a locale-independent status intended for machine processing (empty if nothing has changed), but maybe not ideal for display to the user in SaveVersionDialog(Dialog)...