
Comment 2 for bug 1066455

Revision history for this message
Vanamali (vanamalishastry) wrote :

Sorry! I overlooked the message. The (possibly) complete output is given below.

vanamali@Shastry:~$ zim -D
INFO: This is zim 0.54
DEBUG: Python version is sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=3, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
DEBUG: Platform is posix
DEBUG: Zim revision is:
  branch: pyzim-trunk
  revision: 465 <email address hidden>
  date: 2011-12-22 22:56:29 +0100
DEBUG: Not running from a source dir
DEBUG: Set XDG_DATA_HOME to /home/vanamali/.local/share
DEBUG: Set XDG_DATA_DIRS to [<Dir: /usr/share/cinnamon>, <Dir: /usr/share/gnome>, <Dir: /usr/local/share>, <Dir: /usr/share>]
DEBUG: Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME to /home/vanamali/.config
DEBUG: Set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to [<Dir: /etc/xdg/xdg-cinnamon>, <Dir: /etc/xdg>]
DEBUG: Set XDG_CACHE_HOME to /home/vanamali/.cache
DEBUG: Running command: gui
DEBUG: Loading /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/notebook.zim
DEBUG: Wrote /home/vanamali/.config/zim/notebooks.list
INFO: Opening default notebook
INFO: Starting UnixSocketDaemon
DEBUG: Socket address: /tmp/zim-vanamali/daemon-socket
DEBUG: Wrote /tmp/zim-vanamali/daemon.pid
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["ping",[],{}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: "Ack"
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["vivicate",["zim.gui.GtkInterface","file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes"],{"usedaemon":true,"notebook":"file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes"}]

DEBUG: Child spawned 12236 (u'zim.gui.GtkInterface', u'file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes')
DEBUG: No such signal: notebook-list-changed
DEBUG: Daemon replied: true
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["relay",[["zim.gui.GtkInterface","file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes"],"present",null],{"geometry":null,"fullscreen":null}]

DEBUG: Sending to child 12236: ["present",[null],{"geometry":null,"fullscreen":null}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: true
 At this point zim has send the command to open a notebook to a
 background process and the current process will no quit.
 If this is the end of your debug output it is probably not useful
 for bug reports. Please close all zim windows, quit the
 zim trayicon (if any), and try again.

vanamali@Shastry:~$ DEBUG: Loading /home/vanamali/.config/zim/preferences.conf
DEBUG: Gtk version is (2, 24, 10)
DEBUG: Pygtk version is (2, 24, 0)
WARNING: Could not find all icon sizes for the application icon
DEBUG: Loading /home/vanamali/.config/zim/style.conf
DEBUG: Loaded plugin arithmetic (<ArithmeticPlugin object at 0xb55d116c (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48cb0)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin calendar (<CalendarPlugin object at 0xb558c0f4 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48e00)>)
DEBUG: Registered plugin <InsertGnuplotPlugin object at 0xb558cfa4 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48dc0)> for image type "gnuplot"
DEBUG: Loaded plugin gnuplot_ploteditor (<InsertGnuplotPlugin object at 0xb558cfa4 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48dc0)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin inlinecalculator (<InlineCalculatorPlugin object at 0xb5594914 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48d20)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin insertsymbol (<InsertSymbolPlugin object at 0xb5594a2c (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48da0)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin printtobrowser (<PrintToBrowserPlugin object at 0xb559a054 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d5f940)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin screenshot (<InsertScreenshotPlugin object at 0xb559a3c4 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d5fa70)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin spell (<SpellPlugin object at 0xb559a7ac (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d5fba0)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin tasklist (<TaskListPlugin object at 0xb55a82d4 (zim+plugins+tasklist+TaskListPlugin at 0x8d5fac0)>)
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["ping",[],{}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: "Ack"
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["vivicate",["zim.plugins.trayicon.AppIndicatorTrayIcon","TrayIcon"],{}]

DEBUG: Child spawned 12241 (u'zim.plugins.trayicon.AppIndicatorTrayIcon', u'TrayIcon')
DEBUG: No such signal: notebook-list-changed
DEBUG: Daemon replied: true
DEBUG: Loaded plugin trayicon (<TrayIconPlugin object at 0xb55a893c (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d48d80)>)
DEBUG: Loaded plugin versioncontrol (<VersionControlPlugin object at 0xb55b1cd4 (zim+plugins+PluginClass at 0x8d5f900)>)
DEBUG: Accelmap: /home/vanamali/.config/zim/accelmap
DEBUG: Opening notebook: file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes
DEBUG: Loading /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/notebook.zim
DEBUG: Cache dir: /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/.zim
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["ping",[],{}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: "Ack"
DEBUG: Loading /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/notebook.zim
DEBUG: Index database file: /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/.zim/index.db
DEBUG: Loading /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/.zim/state.conf
INFO: Starting async index update
DEBUG: Action: set_pathbar_recent
DEBUG: Action: toggle_sidepane
INFO: No VCS detected
INFO: Open page: <FileStorePage: Home> (<HistoryPath: Home>)
DEBUG: Found template 'Default' for <FileStorePage: Home>
INFO: Loading template from: /usr/share/zim/templates/wiki/Default.txt
DEBUG: Wrote /home/vanamali/.config/zim/notebooks.list
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["list_objects",[],{}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: [["zim.gui.GtkInterface","file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes"],["zim.plugins.trayicon.AppIndicatorTrayIcon","TrayIcon"]]
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["connect_object",["notebook-list-changed",["zim.plugins.trayicon.AppIndicatorTrayIcon","TrayIcon"]],{}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: null
WARNING: Could not find all icon sizes for the application icon
DEBUG: Wrote /home/vanamali/.config/zim/preferences.conf
INFO: Accelerator changed for <Actions>/CalendarPlugin/show_calendar
INFO: Index update done
DEBUG: Action: close (delete-event)
DEBUG: Sending to daemon: ["quit",[],{}]

DEBUG: Sending to child 12236: ["quit",[],{}]

DEBUG: Sending to child 12241: ["quit",[],{}]

DEBUG: Daemon replied: null
DEBUG: Child exited 12241 (u'zim.plugins.trayicon.AppIndicatorTrayIcon', u'TrayIcon')
DEBUG: Emitting signal: notebook-list-changed
DEBUG: Wrote /home/vanamali/Documents/Notes/.zim/state.conf
DEBUG: Child exited 12236 (u'zim.gui.GtkInterface', u'file:///home/vanamali/Documents/Notes')
INFO: Last instance quit - exiting daemon
INFO: Stopped UnixSocketDaemon