Comment 11 for bug 670358

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Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा) (manishsinha) wrote :

On day job I work on .NET where LINQ is a boon to all the programmers stuck up in Windows .NET programming

Inspired from LINQ (which I use a lot) I would like to propose 5 basic aggregate operations as of now
* Sum
* Count
* Max
* Min
* Average

I know average/max/min sounds stupid at first glance since how can we have average etc of an event. Let us consider an example. I use Clementine, RB and Banshee for satisfying my music needs. I log the events from all these 4 players. One fine day I would like to know which
* track was played maximum on Banshee
* average number of plays from each player
etc etc etc