Comment 0 for bug 646124

Revision history for this message
Seif Lotfy (seif) wrote :

In an attempt to work on bug #641968 I discovered that we some of us defer on the understanding of LeastRecentActor

The documentation stated that LeastRecentActor = enum_factory(("The first event of each different actor"))

Let's assume we have sequential events. (The actors are defined by numbers)

2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 4

So we have 4 different actors (1,2,3,4) and we want to sort them by least recent.
the least recent is not 2 or 1 since they are used again at the end. the least recent is 3

This means LeastRecentActors should return the latest actors sorted ASC:

3, 2, 1, 4

and not

2, 1, 3, 4

When we look at LeastRecentSubjects = enum_factory(("One event for each subject only, "
  "ordered with oldest events first"))
My understanding according to Siegfried is:

<seif_> RainCT,
<seif_> LeastRecentSubjects = enum_factory(("One event for each subject only, "
<seif_> "ordered with oldest events first")
<seif_> so i f i have
<seif_> the subject
<seif_> 1, 2, 1, 3, 4
<seif_> what do i get returned
<seif_> 1, 2, 3, 4
<seif_> or
<seif_> 2, 1, 3, 4
<seif_> ?
<RainCT> seif_: the later
<RainCT> for each subject you only look at the most recent one
<seif_> ok then we should do the same for the actors :)
<RainCT> Yes. Isn't it like this already?
<seif_> no

In that case if we follow this convention I can update the doc strings and already have the bug fix for both this bug and #641968