Comment 17 for bug 612344

Revision history for this message
Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा) (manishsinha) wrote :

> Let 'E' define the event dbus signature.
> Methods:
> - GetTemplates() -> ({sE})
> - AddTemplate(s, E)
> - RemoveTemplate(s)
> Signals:
> - Changed({sE})
> Apps would use their normal namespaced bus names to construct blacklist names.
> Like 'org.gnome.Epiphany.PrivateBrowsing' for the blacklist template epiphany install when you enter private mode.

I was looking at this bug today and wanted to clarify some points.

1) s = 'org.gnome.Epiphany.PrivateBrowsing' ??

2) So ({sE}) means each blacklist template associated with the application which set it

3) RemoveTemplate(s) would clear all the blacklists set by an application. Should not it be RemoveTemplate(s, E) or RemoveTemplate(s, {E}) meaning clearing more than one event template at a time

4) Similarly, how about AddTemplate(s, {E}) meaning adding more than one template at a time

Have some more doubts on Changed() but will ask them after these 4 doubts are cleared.