Comment 14 for bug 158756

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Andi Zeidler (witsch) wrote : Re: [Bug 158756] Re: system path should be ignorable/overridable
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On Mar 28, 2008, at 2:49 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:
> As I've mentioned before, the location os setuptools has nothing to do
> with whether site-packages is used. site-packages is always used.

that's right, it is always used. however, normally it is only
implicitly added to the search path. using a globally installed
setuptools package makes buildout inject the path to `site-packages`
again explicitly into `sys.path`. the problem here is that this way
site-packages might get preferred over other versions of the same
package — please see the example transcript[*] i posted, which
demonstrates this behaviour. i've tried to keep it minimal, so it
should really only take a minute or two to see the problem...

imho, this is clearly a bug and could be easily resolved the way
florian suggested.

> I plan to add an option to exclude site-packages.

that won't help with this particular problem.




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