Comment 3 for bug 418107

Revision history for this message
Janek Kozicki (cosurgi) wrote :

sorry for the false alarm. Indeed my bzr tree wasn't clean. And that's because I just copied bzr dir from another computer, because in ubuntu 9.04 we don't have bzr 1.16 so I couldn't download trunk.

So I backported bzr 1.17 to 9.04 and then it worked, but only if I used features=python,opengl otherwise, for "plain" compile (no options at all) I get this error:

janek@janek-desktop:~/Y/trunk$ scons PREFIX=/home/janek/Z/BIN
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
@@@ Using profile default (scons.profile-default) @@@
Yade version is `bzr1726', installed files will be suffixed with `-bzr1726'.
All intermediary files will be in `/home/janek/Y/build-bzr1726'.
Checking whether c++ compiler "g++" works...yes
Checking for pthread_exit(NULL) in C library pthread... yes
Checking for boost::system::error_code(); /* non-essential */ in C++ library boost_system-mt... no
Checking for boost::system::error_code(); /* non-essential */ in C++ library boost_system... no
Checking for boost::thread::thread() in C++ library boost_thread-mt... yes
Checking for boost::posix_time::time_duration::time_duration() in C++ library boost_date_time-mt... yes
Checking for boost::filesystem::path() in C++ library boost_filesystem-mt... yes
Checking for boost::iostreams::file_sink("") in C++ library boost_iostreams-mt... yes
Checking for boost::regex("") in C++ library boost_regex-mt... yes
Checking for try{} catch (const boost::archive::archive_exception& e) {} in C++ library boost_serialization-mt... yes
Checking for boost::program_options::options_description o in C++ library boost_program_options-mt... yes
Checking for C++ header file boost/foreach.hpp... yes
Checking for sqlite3_close(0L) in C++ library sqlite3... yes
Checking for glutGetModifiers() in C library glut... yes
Package glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'glib-2.0' found
OSError: 'pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags --libs' exited 1:
  File "/home/janek/Y/trunk/SConstruct", line 333:
    env.ParseConfig('pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags --libs');
  File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/", line 1447:
    return function(self, self.backtick(command))
  File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/", line 585:
    raise OSError("'%s' exited %d" % (command, status))

so something is missing, but only if I use all the features.
I installed all stuff from for 9.04 so apparently some package isn't listed there :) Remind you - I'm testing this on clean 9.04 install in vmware.