Comment 2 for bug 1735804

Revision history for this message
Suhail Tandel (standel) wrote :

I am compiling trunk-2018.02b and getting the same error as James. I can compile by uncommenting the line

virtual void updateGL(void)

in trunk-2018.02b/gui/qt5/GLViewer.hpp but yade does not start and produces the following error as Janek explained.
Welcome to Yade 2018.02b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "...../myyade/install/bin/yade", line 129, in <module>
    import yade
  File "....../myyade/install/lib64/yade-2018.02b/py/yade/", line 65, in <module>
    import boot
ImportError: /home/subbiah/myyade/install/lib64/yade-2018.02b/py/yade/qt/ undefined symbol: _ZN8GLViewer8updateGLEv

Has there been any update on this issue.

Scientific Linux release 6.7 (Carbon)
gcc 4.8.1
qt5 5.10.1
libQGLViewer 2.7.1