Comment 4 for bug 459037

Revision history for this message
Radics Ottó (saboteur777) wrote :

It is reproducible. When I boot into Karmic, it loads, then login screen appears. I type my password in, then GDM "fades" (> login effect, like in Kubuntu) into my desktop, and then I can start work. It is good, when in fusion-icon Metacity is the selected Window Manager. But when the selected window manager is compiz, the login effect doesn't work. BUT! When I choose Metacity, and then restart my computer, after login the effect works contrary to that compiz is running, and working. It looks like the GDM reads whether metacity is the selected WM from the fusion-icon's 'Select window manager' selection. And if so, the fade-effect works, otherwise it doesn't.
I enable Compiz by installing proprietary drivers for my Ati card, then select on visual effects tab the extra option. After these: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager.

Sorry for bad English. ;)