Comment 1 for bug 418716

Revision history for this message
Neil J. Patel (njpatel) wrote :

Cody and I have discussed possible ways in which Xsplash could be made aware of the need to wait for netbook-launcher to signal it's ready on UNR systems.

As UNR shares the same packages as the desktop (i.e. we can't make unr-specific changes to packages), the possibility of having a 'unr build' of xsplash doesn't work.

Instead of that, we have discussed having a /etc/xsplash.conf file which contains a very simple CSV list of applications xsplash should expect to receive 'ready' signals from before fading out. The UNR distribution could easy add this file to ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings, and it would contain something like "gnome-panel,nautilus,netbook-launcher".

I think this would also help other spins such as Kubuntu/Xubuntu as and when they support xsplash. If no file exists, then xsplash can assume "gnome-panel,nautilus", so no changes need to be made to the desktop spin.

Another concern was disk-activity while trying to access the file affected start-up time of xsplash, but the reading of the file can happen at the gdm stage rather than the startup stage, and therefore wouldn't effect the startup time of xsplash.