Comment 1 for bug 1395889

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Arthur Borsboom (arthurborsboom) wrote :

Hi Merlijn,

Thanks for taking the time to think about a better design.

With regards to the default options, we have to keep in mind that Xpad needs to work (preferably) in many Linux distributions. So, right now I am not sure how to deal with this, but that is a nice thing to research.

With regards to the confusing menu, in the past I already created a blueprint since my girlfriend complained about it too :D
And since girls are much better in design and usability, it is a very clear signal. :)

So yes, I would love to discuss/research your propositions, although my time is a bit limited these days. Most of my time for Xpad development is spent on reviewing, testing, merging and releasing. If you have code that improves Xpad, I will merge it into the main branch.

My suggestion is to use two blueprints (one for the defaults discussion and one for the menu layout) and attach these to a milestone, ie. v4.5 / v4.6. After that, you create a personal copy of the main branch and when it is finished, you propose it for merging. Please keep commits organized by topic and preferably not to big, so it is easy to review and to roll back, if necessary.

Are you able to create new and edit existing blueprints?