Comment 276 for bug 11334

Revision history for this message
skabbedabbeda (skabtrebge) wrote :

3esmit (3esmit) wrote on 2012-01-26: #271
"We like linux, we believe in an open source future, where open source
is the best. We want all to be perfect, we dont want Mac."

I like beautiful girls. I believe in an open future, where open relationships are the best and I can have sex with every girl I see, without her boyfriend wanting to shoot me.

What do my perfect future and your perfect future have in common? They're both never going to happen. Open source has no future and open source will never be the best.

Eric B (eric-broszeit) wrote on 2012-01-26: #273
"For the most part, this has been fixed. Only a few applications are still
listed, and I would not be surprised if they are fixed as well. I don't use
them to check."

No, only a few applications actually do work. Most application don't work and will never work. Do you now how many applications are available in Ubuntu Software Centre? Install all of them, every single application and start testing all of them. Then there are applications which aren't even available in Ubuntu Software Centre. Start testing those applications too. A clipboard should work for EVERY application, not just a part of the applications which are installed by default.

That's why it shouldn't be fixed on a per-app basis, but it should be fixed in the core. That's how it works in other operating systems and that's how it belongs to work. In Mac OS X and Windows you can install every application you want and it doesn't matter where the application comes from, it just works, without the developer of the application having to think about implementing a clipboard. That's how it should work!

You can expect from all developers to implement a clipboard. That's why only a few application for Linux have the clipboard implemented. Just search for replies from a person called pyrates in this bug report. He knows what he's talking about. He's one the few who knows how it should be implemented and who's able to explain why the current implementation is so bad and completely wrong.

ScislaC (scislac) wrote 20 hours ago: #274
"Or one could install a clipboard manager... your "only" solution isn't really the only solution."

Clipboard managers don't work properly. They crash and don't support everything which can be copied (they only support text or text and files, but it should support everything: text, files, images, parts of an audio file, parts cut from a movie). Most of them aren't updated anymore. The developer started its project five years ago, never finished it. It's designed for a five years old Linux distribution and it haven't been updated ever since. No one is maintaing those clipboard managers, so you just can't rely on them.

An operating should have a proper working clipboard of its own. You just install the operating system and then install whatever application you like and it should just work, without the need of installing a clipboard manager, without the need to keep the source window open and without developers having to implement a clipboard in their applications. That's something you open source idiots just don't understand... correction: don't want to understand.