Comment 25 for bug 531208

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In , Navid-zamani (navid-zamani) wrote :

(In reply to comment #11)

> I look forward to your 50-line patch then.
As I said, I have no intention in learning a language as bad as C. I’d rather rewrite the whole thing in a modern language. And I’d like even more to have someone else do it, while I do some other contribution in return. How about that? :)

> Well, either we are rubbish programmers with no pride, or are simply too
> busy with the other 2.532 million (I just checked) lines of code that X
> has.
So you’re essentially suggesting that it’s just extremely bloated? ^^
But hey, there doesn’t have to be a “or”. Usually the latter comes from the former. ;)

> So what you're saying is that you're not going to help, but instead sit
> here banging on about pride and how Windows 2000 did it and it's really
> easy. Helpful!
No, (Windows * still sucked). I was saying:

> Maybe I’ll save 50€ and send them to you to implement it. 1€ a line
> should be enough, no? ;)

But I already see where this is going: Straw man arguments: First you deliberately misinterpret my statements, and then you call me an idiot because of them. Sorry mate, that won’t work. ^^


(In reply to comment #12)

> Hey Navid, have you learned C yet?
Maybe the Navid in your delusional parallel world where I didn’t say I despised C did.
Why don’t you check?

> In all honesty, I don't expect this to be 50 lines, and I don't expect it to > be popular enough to demand attention over higher priority issues.

Well, if it doesn’t take 50 lines, something is deeply wrong with the code. Then again it’s C and it’s 2.532 million lines of it, so that kinda answers that. ^^

PROTIP: Quick sort in Haskell:

  qsort (x:xs) = qsort [ i | i <- xs, i < x ] ++ [x] ++ qsort [ i | i <- xs, i >= x ]
  qsort [] = []

50 lines? Hell yeah! ^^


I have no interest in the typical Internet dicks calling everyone who isn’t fitting their mind a “troll”. So you can fail with your archaic C, bloat, weird priorities and distorted perception until the end of time.
Actually it’s a good thing, because the more you’re ignorant of the unfolding reality, the more those who don’t gain an edge over you. So, hey… in a way you’re still helping me. Thanks!
And good bye. ^^