Comment 47 for bug 218202

Revision history for this message
NL_Derek (dff) wrote :

Hallo I have a variant of this bug. On my Acer 7530G I run Mint 9.0 (based on Isadora) and also Vector Linux 6.0 (based on Slackware). Both systems run XFCE4; the Mint kernel is and the Vector kernel is

On the Mint boot I installed numlockx from the standard repo (which I believe is derived from the Ubuntu repo); this includes the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55numlockx and the functionality is 100%. However on Vector I also installed numlockx and it does not work. It _does_ toggle the numpad functionality but leaves the LED out, and can cause the reverse operation of the LED described above (message #3)

OK you think, Vector's repo is out of date. But both executables are version 1.1, and both behave the same. That is, under Vector:
# cd /mnt/mint/usr/bin
# ./numlockx on
(that is, running the Mint executable under Vector) enables the numpad but not the LED. And under Mint:
# cd /mnt/vector/usr/bin
# ./numlockx on
(that is, running the Vector executable under Mint) enables the numlock _and_ the LED.

I don't know whether upgrading the kernel will help, I'll try that next (if I can, Vector is a bit iffy about updates). But this is 100% reproducible on my Acer, so I can definitely state that it's not an XFCE problem.

Any tips or advice would be welcome.

--- Derek