Comment 5 for bug 1376903

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Paul Seo (dhseo1011) wrote :

I would like to note that this bug is still being overlooked by the community.
It really is aggravating to know while Linux as a whole claims to be free and open and customizable and user friendly due to the freedom to get what the users want, anything that the majority does not use as much is just... disregarded.

I have for almost 3 years of Linux used variants of the anti-caps lock delay solution. The current one is :

However, recently while I started writing essays, I started noticing that this never did fix the problem as a whole. In fact, there is a newer issue with this anti-caps lock delay solution.
1. The delay of caps lock still does exist. In fact, unlike Windows and Mac, Linux never seemed to have solved this issue fully. And it is noticeable if one is a fast typer (I am around ~150 WPM during my natural typing for essays) and from this speed, it gets frustrating since the caps delay issue becomes noticeable even with the anti-caps-delay fixer from time to time.
2. This anti-caps-lock-delay actually affects keys outside the alphabets also. In fact, if one types a ". , / ; [ ] \ " fast right after the caps lock like:
CAPSLOCK -> 'd' -> CAPSLOCK -> '.'
Instead of getting:
I get:
So basically a period becomes the shifted key of itself.

I really hope that this issue gets fixed because it is somewhat embarrassing how the community was unable to fix this issue for years now.

Considering this is probably rather very simple to fix, I don't understand why the community has not fixed this issue.

And please don't give me the 'SHIFT' key argument. I have used CAPS LOCK for all my life and considering I am able to type from 110~180 WPM with the CAPS LOCK, I do not think it's a fair argument as some people are faster with CAPS LOCK rather than SHIFT key.
Also, I have used Linux for being able to have the freedom to customize. However, as this side is not my field of knowledge, I just really wish there was an official patch to fix this rather minor but critical update.
The anti-caps-delay fixer by various people does not work fully and is most noticeable with periods and commas and I would honestly like an official patch on this. Windows and Mac has never had this issue.
Linux (no matter what distro) has always had this issue even after constant forums for bug fixing.
I love Ubuntu and its customizability in the terminal but this everyday typing is starting to quite bug me after years of Ubuntu usage.