Comment 5 for bug 1171157

Revision history for this message
Alan McFarlane (alanjmcf) wrote :

We're using the Windows exe version 1.4.2, with hosted server. We are affected by this bug.

For example with Direction set to Single, Duration at 20s, and seven items in our feed we thus expect our feed time to be multiplied[1] to become 140secs i.e. 7*20secs. What we see though is:
* DurationIsPerItem=True -> time_Item=20s time_Feed=20s
* (BTW With DurationIsPerItem=False -> time_Item=~2.8s time_Feed=20s)

Looking at Rss.cs we see no code to multiply the duration.

Can anyone confirm that we are understanding correctly?

We've add a few lines of C# to that class and now it then works as expected (tFeed=140s). We will attach our patch soon.

[1] We're understanding "Duration is per item" as described at Answer 227239.
"What does "Duration is per item" mean under the RSS feed items ?"
->"In single mode, the total duration of a ticker [is] the duration per item multiplied by the number of items in the feed.")

[2] Note also that the logic of the durationIsPerItem boolean in the HTML options is reversed when written to the HTML by the C# code, but luckily the JavaScript code which reads that boolean is backwards too and thus the flag operates as intended true(1)->"false"->true and false(0)->"true"->false.