Comment 153 for bug 1335492

Revision history for this message
Miloš Pavlović (mpsrv) wrote :

Colin Hemming, I also have two scripts.

The first script is set to autostart on login.
The second one is used for logout / reboot.

The first script waits untill all the the panels are in the window stack, then sets the folder permissions of .config/xfce/desktop to 755. If all the panels are loaded, then their struts are set and the workarea is correct. It also removes all but the latest rc file when a new rc is created in the folder. Requires inotify-tools to monitor when the rc files are created and notify-send to tell when the icon position is saved. By having only one rc conf file I don't have to reset the desktop on login.

The second script opens a yad dialog and sets the folder permissions of .config/xfce/desktop to non-writable when logout / shutdown / restart is selected. Requires yad.