Comment 101 for bug 1335492

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Goth Queen (artistbraab) wrote :

In response to comment #97 by Thaddaeus Tintenfisch (thad-fisch):

Thaddaeus, this might very well be it. I noticed that, if I boot, reach the "fill in password" screen, fill it in immediately and continue boot into my desktop, the icons are reset.

However, when I turned my box on, go for a coffee, and log in when I come back, all the icons remain at their original position.
I repeated this several times, and found that if I wait before filling in my password and booting into my desktop, all icons remain at their original position. Hence, "some time to let the system catch up" seems to do the trick.

Does anybody else also see this behaviour?

I'm on xfdesktop4 4.11.8 (Xubuntu 14.04.3)