Comment 20 for bug 1395547

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In , (icyrock-com) wrote :

Unfortunately, nothing better than just:

    killall xfsettingsd; killall xfce4-volumed; sleep 6; xfsettingsd & xfce4-volumed &

I don't think it is a problem with the locker itself though, to me it looks like it's just a trigger for an issue in xfce4-volumed or something related to its interaction with the X system.

Check my comment #3 on the referenced launchpad bug (, where I outline that when I kill xfsettingsd, lock, unlock, I don't see the CPU issue.

Given comment #8 on that bug (, it might be that it's related to libkeybinder + layout changes, which might be triggered by the xmodmap commands you can reproduce the bug with.

I put as much information on the other bug report as I knew how to gather / thought would be useful. If somebody can let me know what could help fixing, I can try providing those or doing additional testing.