Comment 0 for bug 1269897

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Michael Rooney (mrooney) wrote :

From Lukas via email: "I guess this is not the good way to ask about a possible bug in
wxBanker. However, I'm not registered at Launchpad, nor do I have any
experience with bug tracking and I probably won't be occupied much with
technical details of Launchpad projects - I hope you forgive this
approach of mine...

Now, that's the problem: The removal of accounts with linked
transactions work fine, but things go wrong when removing an account
that has recurring transactions, they somehow don't seem to be handled
in the right manner (shouldn't they be deleted??). I'm not attaching any
stacktrace, it seems pointless to me because the problem should be
easily reproducable.

I am running "whoops-release" 0.9.1 on Linux mint."