Comment 0 for bug 869624

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dava4444 (dava4444) wrote :

Hi. after the last update, i cannot boot into Ubuntu 11.10 beta 2 with the 3.0 kernel. it goes straight to busybox.. from there im stumped. all i know is 'reboot' which works and 'exit' to exit to the desktop (from mac), which doesn't. i tried the recovery option grub, but it hung just before the file clean up, and stayed on the listing of my SD card drives. I'm using the 2.6 kernel to boot ubuntu just now. thought this was kinda important as we/you have a launch on the 13th :D i saw a few people complaining about 'that' update (thursday 6), my system was GTG before :D don't know how to mend this.. i can't even get. if this is happening to other people they might blame busybox.. and busybox IS for system recovery right? suggestion: can we have a command in busybox the lets us boot to ubuntu.. something simple a person could guess... first thing i thought of was 'boot'. we have 'reboot' why not 'boot'? just sharing an idea :D .... should i update the 2.6 kernel to get my system back.. everything is back to before i updated to the 3.0 kernel.. also the screen is a bit weird, like i don't have nvidia drivers installed .. but i do. also the mouse keeps disappearing, and everything 'feels' weird. I feel a bit better after putting in a report, just so if other have this issue there a chance you's guys will see this and be able to fix it.

