Comment 0 for bug 691641

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Marius Gedminas (mgedmin) wrote : Wubi won't boot: "Try (hd0,1): NTFS5:" (reboots)

Sister's laptop, Dell Lattitude something-or-other. 320 GB disk with one NTFS partition. Installed Ubuntu 9.10 with Wubi, upgraded to 10.04. It worked fine until this week, when Ubuntu stopped booting.

 1. select "Ubuntu" from the XP boot menu
 2. see "Try (hd0,1): NTFS5:" flash very briefly
 3. the laptop instantly reboots

Attempts to press Esc after selecting "Ubuntu" to get into the Grub menu fail: it continues to print the same error and reboots.

chkdsk.exe /r claims the filesystem is clean.

c:\wubildr.mbr exists and has sha1sum acee2824602b6d38c696b152877d12df4fe83e6d.
c:\wubildr exists and has sha1sum 3e3ecbd2c5052b0bca3bf00aa01d37a72681a286.

  (I have at some point replaced the original wubildr, which still resides in c:\ubuntu\winboot, with an updated one that I found attached to a bug in launchpad. That fixed some kind boot issue my sisters laptop had a few months back. I'm sorry I haven't written down which bug it was. This is a different one, with different symptoms.)

c:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk exists.
c:\ubuntu\disks\swap.disk exists.
c:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub exists, but is an empty folder.
c:\ubuntu\winboot\wubildr exists and has sha1sum 6c7357734991d321178923c67b129be777c1b171.
c:\ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr exists and has sha1sum acee2824602b6d38c696b152877d12df4fe83e6d.
c:\ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.cfg exists and has sha1sum fb6ec5ac85e44fdc36796c3399548ce8c98f70c6.
c:\ubuntu\install exists, and is mostly empty. There's a file named .fuse_hidden0000000400000001 inside with 700 MB of something. file(1) claims it's an ISO 9660 filesystem labeled 'Ubuntu 9.10 i386'.

I can boot GRUB2 from a USB disk, then do a little dance to boot the Ubuntu image from root.disk:
    loopback loop0 (hd1,1)/ubuntu/disks/root.disk
    set root=(loop0)
    linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-27-generic root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro quiet splash
    initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-27-generic

It seems to be that wubildr.mbr boots and then crashes/reboots when it tries to locate wubildr.

Is there a newer version of wubildr + wubildr.mbr that I could try?

Trying to run wubi.exe from an Ubuntu 10.10 live CD asks me to uninstall the existing setup; I don't want to wipe root.img with all my sister's files!