Comment 6 for bug 376120

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lasker_341 (lasker-341) wrote :

Same problem here.
On the firstboot is goes well until it gets into the grafic mode (ubuntu wallpaper visible), it then starts checking the installation, this goes well until it gets to:

system is being installed
swapmemory in partition #1 on host/ubuntu.disks/swap...
(progress meter stays on 0%)

When I press the powerbutton, it does a normal shutdown. So it does not seem to be frozen, just waiting for something. There is no diskactivity.

- I installed WUBI under XP on my data-partion ( D: ) FAT32.
- I have 1GB memory
- I have 4 primary partions on the disk (XP1, XP2, WIN98SE, DATA)
- only XP1 (C) and DATA (D) are visible
- I defragmented the disk
- I used last version of WUBI (wubi-r134)

The LiveCD runs fine

I reserved 10GB for ubunti in WUBI (tried 9 and 6 too)
I noticed that WUBI makes a rather small swapdisk-file of 256MB

I tryed deleting the swapfile hoping it might skip, but it creates a new one of exactly 150.000.000 bytes during boottime. But it still freezes at the same stage.