Comment 14 for bug 376120

Revision history for this message
dingding (dingjiemindev) wrote :

I made further test to validate the test kernels:
1) create a customized live cd including the test kernels based on the original one named ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso;
2) run the wubi.exe to extract installation package from the customized live cd on a FAT partition (choose a installation size less than or equal to 4GB due to single file capacity constraint on FAT);
3) restart the computer to see that the automatic installer executes smoothly to complete;
4) log in the newly installed system and everything seems OK.

One issue during the above procedure was that the swap.disk file generated by wubi was incorrect, I deleted it and created a new one (type dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/swap.disk bs=1M count=256) before step 3, but I thought that might not be a problem since I run the wubi through wine.