Comment 23 for bug 365501

Revision history for this message
petebisson (o-launchpad-bisson-co-uk) wrote : Re: wubi-r129.exe does nothing.

Hi again Ago,

With PYTHONCASEOK set, fails on

from wubi.backends.win32 import WindowsBackend

The cause of this, as mentioned above is openpgp/sap/ ( line 47)

import Crypto.Util.number as NUM

Because python is running case insensitive search, the first match this gets for Crypto is actually crypto in the openpgp/sap directory. This means the module is actually trying :

import as NUM

with the results we have seen all along :

ImportError: No module named Util.number

You can investigate this further on your build machine by setting the environment variable:


Then when you 'make runbin' you will get exactly the same behaviour in wine.



Extra info as requested.

# log extract (reformatted for clarity)
06-02 10:56 DEBUG root: ** extra info BEGIN **
06-02 10:56 DEBUG root: sys.path = [

06-02 10:56 DEBUG root: os.environ = {
    'TMP': 'C:\\DOCUME~1\\Stacey\\LOCALS~1\\Temp',
    'COMMONPROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program Files\\Common Files',
    'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER': 'x86 Family 6 Model 13 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel',
    'PROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\Program Files',
    'PATH': 'C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\THINKPAD\\UTILITIES;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Program Files;C:\\IBMTOOLS\\Python22;C:\\Program Files\\PC-Doctor for Windows\\services;C:\\Program Files\\hpgs\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\OpenVPN\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\Nmap',
    'TK_LIBRARY': 'C:\\IBMTOOLS\\Python22\\tcl\\tk8.4',
    'TEMP': 'C:\\DOCUME~1\\Stacey\\LOCALS~1\\Temp',
    'ALLUSERSPROFILE': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users',
    'SESSIONNAME': 'Console',
    'HOMEPATH': '\\Documents and Settings\\Stacey',
    'RRU': 'C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\IBM Rapid Restore Ultra\\',
    'USERNAME': 'Stacey',
    'PROMPT': '$P$G',
    'COMSPEC': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe',
    'PYTHONPATH': 'C:\\IBMTOOLS\\utils\\support;C:\\IBMTOOLS\\utils\\logger',
    'TCL_LIBRARY': 'C:\\IBMTOOLS\\Python22\\tcl\\tcl8.4',
    'PATHEXT': '.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.pyo;.pyc;.py;.pyw',
    'CLIENTNAME': 'Console',
    'WINDIR': 'C:\\WINDOWS',
    'APPDATA': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Stacey\\Application Data',
    'HOMEDRIVE': 'C:',
    'SYSTEMDRIVE': 'C:',
    'OS': 'Windows_NT',
    'USERPROFILE': 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Stacey'
06-02 10:56 DEBUG root: ** extra info END **