Comment 1 for bug 1935710

Revision history for this message
Tobin Davis (gruemaster) wrote :

This is exactly why I haven't been working on W32IW for a long time. My main job is Linux based (actually this was written so that Windows users had a way to create Ubuntu boot disks from ISO images). I am a Linux user/developer, and outside of maintaining this program, I don't use Windows at all (since 1998).

Between work, the lack of a Windows system to do real development/testing, and all of the alternative tools out there now, I really haven't had much reason to fix this or the other big bug (program crashes when there is a foreign mount - aka google drive, network drive, ramdisk, etc). That one, the program is designed to ignore based on the published apis for those types of drive mounts, but none of them follow the Windows spec.