Comment 3 for bug 910667

Revision history for this message
bzdet99 (bzdet99) wrote :

I was also trying this:

Xephyr -ac -br -noreset -screen 950x950 -mouse ephyr,,device=/dev/input/event2 :2 &
sleep 1
DISPLAY=:2 xfce4-session &
sleep 1
Xephyr -ac -br -noreset -screen 950x950 -mouse ephyr,,device=/dev/input/event5 :3 &
sleep 1
DISPLAY=:3 xfce4-session &

and run wiican on every xephyr server, with adding second cursor by xinput. With a normal mouse i can do everything and runing wiican also, except one thing. I cannot click simultanously (A) on two wiimotes, using normal USB mouse I can....