Comment 5 for bug 970840

Revision history for this message
Borim (borim) wrote :

to move the discussion here:

SirVer oppinon:
>I am against this feature. It contains the same information as the
>economy health and therefore imho adds to clutter in the UI more than to
>the support of the player.
>I think it is unfortunate that this discussion was not done before you
>put work into it, Borim. However, we will need to finish this discussion
>now before merging.

Yeah you are right the stock chart represent nothing completely new, but it is another sight of view. The economy health represent a global view on the whole economy. The stock chart focus only on your storage. So the ammountof wares what was temporarly put aside.

The economy health show only the changes, but not the current state of your economy. The problem with the differentila view (economy health) that it is only usefull, when you know the current state.

A short example: When the economy health show that wood is always around the zero mark and only few times below zero, than this can be acceptable. You will not gain additional wood, but your stock does not shrink.
But if you simply does not own any wood reserves, this is a completely other situation. The demand is much higher than the production. The reason why the economy health chart show no negative balance, is simply nothing is there to be consumed. So the real demand is not visible in the economy health chart.

To bring this to the point: If the current stock is enough information to interprete the economy health chart (over the whole game lenth), the stock chart is not needed.

I think this is not the case. Especially if you look at a bigger time range. Also the request to show an indicator for the stock (Bug #584134 ) is a hint that the information is not sufficient.
With the stock chart you provide this information. And this not only by a simple arrow, but over the complete game length.


The stock chart was not much work. So I am not angry if it does not make it into the game ;)