Comment 3 for bug 830412

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Hans Joachim Desserud (hjd) wrote :

> Is this the same version of WL ?
I have translated some strings related to this, so this check should already be in place. Not sure how thorough it is, as I have not looked at the actual code. I believe it at least checks the version number.

>So, why not have the multiplayer mode check a flag that gets set when "view all" is enabled?
With some tweaks, I think this could work. For single player you can check if this flag is set and load with the whole map visible to allow mapmakers to test, if it is not set the map is loaded with fog of war as today. Though for multiplayer I think it would be better to ignore this flag all together and load with fog of war no matter what, to keep multiplayer fair. (This of course depends on how common the code for loading a map is, if it is even possible) This would of course prevent mapmakers from testing with full map in multiplayer, but I can't think of any problems they wouldn't spot in single player off the top of my head. In summary: maps are by default loaded as today, unless the flag is set AND it is a single player map.

>However,I would not opt for a hardcoded CRC value inside the .exe
Implementing this would probably be a lot of effort with little to no gain. As Widelands is open source, it would be far to easy to alter the values, then recompile to allow their edited files to be accepted. (This also affects proprietary software, where checks like these are found and disabled or circumvented in order to run the program without the checks. I believe this is how various forms of DRM and similar schemes are circumvented, but I do not know the details.)

In general I think the commandline option would be the easiest way to implement this, and it would also save us from updating and adding another field to all maps created. Though I wonder how comfortable mapmakers would be with running widelands from the commandline?