Comment 13 for bug 763567

Revision history for this message
Astuur (wolfsteinmetz) wrote :

Nah, this is "striving for the best solution" ; nothing negative about it.
And I can fully comprehend your doubts.
Yes, I was thinking about reserving that CTRL-0 combo in this case for the exclusive use of the program.
I never used all of that combos - and if I did, I wouldn't remember what I had stored there.
So it isn't much of a sacrifice for most players.
But the argument is still valid of course.

I try to summarize the problem again here.
(I need it)

1) Messages are often useless when you cannot see the location it pertains to.
So it would be nice to be sent there automatically, instead of marking and pressing "G".
2) If you do that (same as with pressing "G") you currently loose the location you came from.
So, implementing a "go back from where I came" functionality, should be welcome.

For clarity, I'd want to make a distinction between "scrolling" to a location,
and "jumping" to one. In the fist case you have visual control, and can identify where you
are going, while in the second case you sort of travel blindly and wake up with the need to
identify where you really are.
It's that second case, (and only that), where I would like an automated "go back" function,
which is my chief concern here.

The situation reminds me of the surfing with a webbrowser.
You follow a link, (jump to a message location) see what it reveals and maybe do something there,
and then you either follow a link from that new site (keep the message window open, archive the current
entry, and jump to the next one),
or you go back to the most recent site (press Backspace)
(archive the current entry, close the message window, and are back at the position
where you have opened the message window.)
See the similarities?

Why do we not try a similar approach like a webbrowser
and create a "history of jumps"?

Each event that triggers a message stores its coordinates in a
buffer, in the chronological sequence that they happen.

By opening the message window and marking an entry,
you are automatically warped to the corresponding coordinates.
Once visited, the message is marked for archival and erase from the visible list
in the message window.
You can jump to the next (forward in time) message (and location) or go back to the
earlier (backward in time), while the message window is opened.
CTRL-Cursor-right and CTRL-Cursor-left might be suitable keys for that.

When you close the message window, what happens is:
Seen message entries are archieved (deleted from the visible list)
The history is erased.
you are back from where you came.

How is that?