Comment 8 for bug 734193

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Hans Joachim Desserud (hjd) wrote :

>the terrain height problem.
>Real or imagined?

I haven't checked thoroughly, but aren't most rivers "flat" so that thnere will be no difference in height from one side to the other. Though, on the other hand there may be cases where the terrain height differs... But I am not sure if this is something where we can reach a conclusion simply by discussing or reasoning. It may be more useful to have it added to the game (even with some simple placeholder art) and then see if there are cases where it looks more out of place than the current.

As for the longer/building bridges I am against it. I think longer bridges from getting from A to B over several tiles of water would solve much of the same problems which ships is supposed to address, so I suggest we put that on ice until ships have included to see if there is still a need. Oh, and they should probably be filed as a separate report, as this mainly covers the visual representation of the existing roads over water.