Comment 15 for bug 669192

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Jens Beyer (qcumber-some) wrote :

We should probably see this wish in conjunction with the wish at and the to find a completely new way to display all information being available:

* Empty spot, request can not be fulfilled
* Empty spot, can be fulfilled by an item on the way (request fulfilled)
* Filled spot (ware available for consumption)
* Consumed item (construction site only; consumed items in production buildings are only interesting for statistics)

On one hand, one could ask, what makes a construction site special to any other building that it should display the consumed items. If we don't find that a construction site is special, we need to involve the missing information in both cases or in no case to achieve common visual appearance.

I agree that there s no primary use from the information how many wares have been consumed (even not for construction sites), however it may be good to know how expensive such a building has been (agree to #4). That could be displayed in *any* building regardless of the type. However this is not primary information and could very well be hidden behind a "Details" or Help button.

It also needs to be said that I'm always a little annoyed by construction site windows resizing themselves in one direction, and I would definitely speak against making them additionally resize in the second direction by removing resource rows which have been completely used up. The empty rows containing the priority buttons only are not really that irritating for newbies, as they probably will not open up the construction site window right after the last resource has been consumed, and for a building which progresses so slowly that you don't really see the percentage at the top of the window rising.

I had a look at the proposed window, and have to state that the green marks *do* almost confuse me. And they provide meaningless information, I don't care in which order the wares are consumed.

To make it consistent, using the marker scheme would then mean for the production buildings, that with each and every loop through the production site's program, every 'consume' would cause a green marker instead of removing the item from the in queue. On the end of the production site's program (after a sleep), the marked wares should then be removed from the queue, causing requests for new wares.
That would display more (and useful) information: How many resources are used in one cycle (it would for example show the strange wares usage for producing the Barbarian Rations in the Taverns).
Using this schema then means that construction sites marking the used resources do explain themselves.

I hope this long text does not confuse the readers, and I am sorry that I can't provide an easy solution but only a secondary look at the problem, with maybe a slightly broader view.