Comment 13 for bug 536467

Revision history for this message
GunChleoc (gunchleoc) wrote :

The advantage of the in-game help is that it can be generated automatically, so it will update whenever the stats for something change. Working on the building help this year, I already found some stuff that was outdated.

What non-coders could do is write text for general stuff, like how to use seafaring etc.

The way our in-game helptexts work now is that they are all coded in Lua. This means you can change them without having to recompile the game. People will need to understand how to handle bazaar though.

We should work towards having everything in one place rather than scattered between the game and different sections of the wiki. Part of the Wiki is actually generated from the game's configuration and code files. Maybe we can tap into that to mirror the help on the Wiki then.