Comment 0 for bug 536149

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fschueller (fschueller) wrote :

(Maybe related to 2356420)

Yesterday I've tested the latets svn (svn3642) testing the nice new "configure economy" feature. During this, i triggert the following problem:

If one constructs a deep mine from a mine (which is occupied by a master miner) the master miner ist released, and if the deep mine is finished he returns back to the mine (together with a "normal" Miner).

But sometimes the master miner returns alone, using the normal miners slot in the deep mine and waits for an second master miner to appear. (Maybe some race condition, because i am unable to reproduce this)

As a wish: It would be nice, if one could release a (master) mine from a mine (either the second one in a deep one or the one in a normal one) without destroing the mine.