Comment 11 for bug 1801722

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hessenfarmer (stephan-lutz) wrote :

Ok first of all if it is fun for you I didn't want to take this away from you.
Anyhow it might be the case you got me wrong. I just wanted to show you a way to achieve your goals with the normal AI if this might have worked for you.
So for the aggressiveness I think we agree about current Ai state. My thought was it shouldn't be far from your expectation.
for the economy I clearly see your problem my solution for current AI would have been to avoid unnecessary / unbuildable buildings by forbiddinng them. Script all basic buildings for this scenario (the ones the Ai does really need to survive and build other buildings) and set the Ai manually to basic economy reached mode. In this mode the Ai should theoretically only build the allowed buildings based on economical / military needs (of course with the current limitations). So mising mines should be no problem with this setup.
necessary cheating for the AI player coud be easily controlled via script in this modus. which leaves the weird military behaviour at unguarded borders as a real problem, and it is definitly one of my most important goals for b21 to improve that.

But this just for explanation what where my thoughts how this could probably be achieved without having your own AI. However if your AI is developping a nice road network we should have a look if we can't implement this to the normal AI. From a quick look into your code I got the impression you are using the routing algorithm for wares to find a suitable road. If this is the case that is what I had already in mind for the AI cause the wares routing uses an A* algorithm while AI roadbuilding doesn't. if it won't bother you could you attach a screenshot of the developed road network to this bug? Unfortunately my c++ knowledge is very basic (just enoiugh to understand what is going on in the code) so I am afraid I couldn't implement it myself. Maybe I could point you to the relevant code block If you might consider risking a quick look?