Comment 13 for bug 1535115

Revision history for this message
king of nowhere (lainluigi86) wrote :

'I dont like idea to keep list of wares on flag in AI and compare it periodically, it is too much overhead. And it is basically mimicking what flag is already doing.

 I would prefer if flags have some timer like last_time_ware_left'

yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. a timer on the flag that would activate only when the 8th ware is deposited on the flag, and would reset anytime a ware is removed. Since it is rare that flags get an 8th ware, it should not generate too much calculus. This would not be a function of AI, but a function of the program. The ai could then be thought to do something about it, while a human could receive a message.

Because those circular traffic snags that I described are relatively rare, but when they form there is no other way they can be removed except cutting some roads or destroying some of the destination of those wares.