Comment 1 for bug 1218371

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Frank Pieper (frank-pieper-1) wrote :

Sorry, it's not a Report even it's visually very close. The Point is that I don't mean to change a Sections of Terrain with another but to select whole Terrain-Set from GreenWorld to DesertWorld and that's AFAICS see lesser simple than changing TerrainType for single Terrains.

A whole different World-CONF need to get loaded before and I don't expect that there exist a simple Mapping-Scheme from one World to the other as if one World have impasable Ice-Terrain the other may have Lava but the thrid perhaps no impassable Terrain-Type and it does not match to Idea of independent World-Defs if diffferent Maps need to have Equivalents suited for Mapping of Terrain. How about Critters? Etc.? I don't say it's not solvable but it's another Thing than changing Sections of Map to a specific Terrain.

This Problem is probably better addressed by another Approach than adding another Dialog before Editor starts up by the Approach to start up without any Default-Map and take exiting Dialog for Specification of another really first new Map.

Since I did identify that Issue, everytime I start the Editor and wait the Seconds (With Release 17 I got a Lot of more Fun with this Understanding) I think even with actual BZR always: "I wait for a Map I want to drop - of course I will drop as I drop always the Default-New-Map .. so i wait." :) However, with coming up Release resp BZR that Pain gets lesser significant but I can't forget tha even now when waiting lesser than 1 Minute.

Topic 1274 does AFAICS not cover the Point I did specify inside Description of this Report: PreSelection of World-Type bbefore generating first Default-Map. I think Report 1274 concerns to this as Approach of Solution -- starting without any Map -- and adding such Things into Specification-Dialog of Map-Generation but agree that with selected-section-modification for Terrain the asked Feature from Topic 1274 goes towards being obsolete. However, this does not concerns to Matter of omiting wasted Time with generating a Map perhaps nobody need due to there is surely always any Need of changed Property. The effective Solution is to simly don't generate a Map at StartUp and Ability of Editor to run without any Map is a useful Design-Goal to get more Fredom to run different Maps simultan as it have to be able to run with No-Map as suited InterimsState.