Comment 18 for bug 1762164

Revision history for this message
kaputtnik (franku) wrote :

Working on the port to python3 is independent from the server. But the difficulties i have is to get the changes into a branch. Form what i know i can't run the 2to3 script to read and write the same file file in one go. So my plan is to:

1. create a virtual environment running python3.6
2. run 'bzr init-repo code'
3. branch the current website in folder code/widelands_org
4. run pip install -r widelands_org/pip_requirements.txt
5. run 'bzr branch widelands_org widelands_py36'
6. purge the the contents of folder widelands_py36
7. run '2to3 --output-dir=code/widelands_py36 -W -n code/widelands_org', which converts each file in widelands_org to a new file in widelands_py36

I think this is the way to get a branch which reflect the changes to current trunk. Is there an easier way?