Comment 8 for bug 720439

Revision history for this message
verdant (pandixiong) wrote :

I tried the commands suggested by Diederen as follows

sudo rmmod airport
sudo rmmod orinoco
sudo modprobe orinoco
sudo modprobe airport

because I get

FATAL: Error inserting orinoco (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-powerpc/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco/orinoco.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

if I type sudo modprobe orinoco airport............

Then lsmod gives

airport 6597 0
orinoco 61223 1 airport

A refresh and connect attempt with wicd 1.7.0 still generates "Connection Failed: Bad Password", while a refresh and connect attempt with wicd still does not restore the dropped connection.....

So, it appears that the problem with (a) wicd not connecting and/or not maintaining a wireless connection to a non-broadcast ESSID WPA2 Personal-AES WiFi network and (b) wicd 1.7.0 generating a "Connection Failed: Bad Password" error message when attempting to connect wirelessly to a a non-broadcast ESSID WPA2 Personal-AES WiFi network, may not be due to the same cause as the problem being experienced by Diederen.......

I have attached a zipped folder containg the and 1.7.0 dmesg files, the wicd.log and the kern.log containing both wicd and 1.7.0 operation............I saw no kernel oops (badness) messages in my logs.......